Monday, May 20, 2013

Bono Kuala Kampar and Pororoca Amazon By Drs.M.Rakib Jamari,S.H.,M.A.

Bono Kuala Kampar and Pororoca Amazon America.By Drs.M.Rakib Jamari,S.H.,M.A.
In the ancient Amazonian language of Tupi, pororoca translates as ‘great destructive noise’. To world-class surfer Picuruta Salazar, it is ‘without a doubt the best wave that God has put on this planet.’ Clearly, the pororoca demands a little attention…
When surfers first went to surf the pororoca in 1996, the locals, in tears, pleaded with them not to do it. Naturally, they tend to keep a respectful distance from this legendary monster, which occurs when the full moon causes the Atlantic Ocean to thunder up the Amazon river. This tidal wave rolls in once a day and once a night for a period of about three weeks, every year around February/March. The crashing, churning wall of water can reach up to four metres high, travelling 13 km inland, and dashing any trees and houses in its path to smithereens.

It was not just the sheer force of the water that made the villagers weep. They knew about the piranhas, the snakes and the small catfish that swims up your urethra and lodges itself there. They knew about the crocodiles.
Of course, surfers being surfers, heatstruck and high on malaria pills, they went ahead and surfed it anyway. Put your feet up for 25 minutes and watch Bill Heath’s 2003 documentary about one such adventure, Pororoca: Surfing the Amazon. Look past the murky resolution, and you’ll discover a beautiful film following a group of surfers who travel for days into the depths of the jungle to battle one great wave.

       Penulis lahir di Kuala Kampar 1959. Di tempat ini ada satu kawasan yang luas di mana Bono, si gelombang raksasa memamerkan kekutannya. Tiap tahun ada nyawa yang melayang, sehingga menjadi misteri, seperti ada hantunya. Tapi tahun 2006 orang Jerman mencoba surfing , berselancar di atas Bono, sehingga rasa misteri itu agak berkurang di kalangan masyarakat desa sekitarnya, misalnya Desa Tanjung Pebila, Teluk Meranti, Tanjung Pulai, Pulau Mudo, bahkan masyarakat Pulau Penyalai yang berbatasan dengan Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), yaitu Tanjung Batu Kundur.

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